

Getting started at Sylvia’s CAC

Now that you’ve reviewed ways to prepare for your child’s interview at the CAC, you can fill out some paperwork through interactive PDFs that are printed and kept on file at the CAC.

Each form is necessary, either by law or policy, in order to provide services. Your Victim Advocate can answer any questions you might have.

Review and sign all of these forms

All forms are PDF documents and can be filled out electronically or printed. The whole process takes about 10 minutes.

Child Interview Consent Form

This form remains on file at the CAC and is required by law to inform you of your rights and obligations, your child’s rights, and other necessary information.

Complete Consent form

Confidentiality Statement and Form

This form remains on file at the CAC and requires all parties to maintain confidentiality. This helps protect the investigation and any criminal proceedings.

Complete Confidentiality form

Authorization for Release of Information to the CAC

This form is currently required by the Indiana Department of Child Services (DCS). It allows DCS and their authorized agents to share information with the CAC.

Complete Release form

Acknowledgment of Rights of Victims of Sexual Assault brochure

This form and link is maintained by the State of Indiana and confirms you’ve received the brochure “Rights of Victims of Sexual Assault” as required by IC 35-40.5.

Complete Acknolwedgment form

Sylvia’s CAC internal survey

When your time is nearly done at the CAC, we’d appreciate your feedback on this short survey. It helps us improve our services. You can also print the survey.

Complete the survey

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Please enter your username or email address, you will receive a link to create a new password via email.

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