Funded 100% by donors like you for the benefit of schools, teachers, and students in Boone County
Sylvia’s CAC needs your help to keep our Child and Teen Lures programs funded through the next year.
It costs $18,000 per year to teach K-12 students about child molestation, sexual assault, and abuse. For many kids and teens, it’s the first time they learn what may be happening to them isn’t okay.
Donors like you helped us reach over 12,500 kids last year. But we cannot take money from any of our current grants to pay for it. Schools and our team rely on donations to pay for this important service.
A free-for-students service taught by experienced professionals
Our prevention program, designed in part by Child and Teen Lures, shows students everything they need to know in an age-appropriate way.
Every child is told they have a right to live free of abuse
Each class promotes healthy social relationships
Nurtures safe personal and digital boundaries
Evidence-based practices proven to prevent abuse
Helps students recognize and identify safe, trusted adults
Designed to help kids discuss and disclose suspected abuse
About $1.50 covers workbooks, handouts, staff time, and more
Indiana law requires students at all schools in Indiana — including private and charter schools — teach kids about abuse prevention and body safety. But the law doesn’t allocate funds to pay for it.
Sylvia’s CAC works directly with educators to provide a complete, engaging, and age-appropriate training to Boone County students at no cost to schools. But our work only goes as far as your donations. It only costs about $1.50 per student.
Donate now to help kids learn how to disclose possible abuse
Frequently asked questions about Child and Teen Lures
How does this program differ with your Darkness 2 Light program?
Darkness 2 Light by Stewards of Children is our abuse prevention training for adults. We also support this course through donations and hold regular sessions through the year for youth groups, churches, public forums, and educators.
Why do kids need to hear this?
Most people are surprised to know that after a school receives lessons on abuse prevention and body safety there’s a noticeable increase in the number of disclosures. Students often learn for the first time the “game”, “secret”, or “fun” they were told they were playing or having is not okay. These lessons give kids — especially young kids — the vocabulary to talk to a trusted adult and come forward so authorities can investigate.
What is a “trusted adult”? Isn’t most abuse done by someone the child knows?
A trusted adult can be any adult that a child has a close, trusting relationship with. It could be a parent, a teacher, a coach, pastor, or youth group leader. It is true that nearly all abuse kids suffer is at the hands of someone they know. But it’s also true other close adults, like another parent or grandparent, have no idea it’s happening. We help kids understand what’s happening and how to come forward to someone.
How age-appropriate is this? Are kids hearing about sexual issues?
Yes, kids of all ages will hear about sexual and reproductive health. However, not in the same way. Older kids and youth hear about sexual and reproductive health using biological terms. They will be told things like, “If someone grabs your breasts, that is not okay.” Young children will also hear this message, but instead told the more age-appropriate, “If someone touches you in your swimsuit area, that is not okay.” Our trainers and teachers are very good at answering questions in ways kids and teens can understand and adults can respect.