Indiana and every other state is seeing a sudden and dramatic drop in the number of child abuse reports. Under normal circumstances, this might be good news. But this is alarming because the rates of abuse have almost certainly increased.
The difference now is kids aren’t being seen by teachers, youth groups, counselors, churches, or anyone else in their communities.
As kids stay home, anxiety over income and job losses mount, and stress builds, abuse goes up. We’re expecting a surge of new cases once restrictions lift and life normalizes, even a little.
Everyone in Indiana is a mandated report of child abuse. If you suspect a child is in danger, call 911 in an emergency or the Indiana Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-800-5556.
Ask kids that you do see, such as grandkids, these questions:
- How are you doing today?
- Is anyone bothering you or concerning to you?
- How are you getting along with members of your house, like mom or dad?
If a child discloses abuse to you, you witness bruising or other unusual injuries, call the Child Abuse Hotline. All cases of abuse are being screened and followed-up on.