The Caring Center

The Caring Center

The Caring Center

What is The Caring Center?

The Caring Center is a multi-program, not-for-profit organization in Boone County, Indiana, serving families and thousands of individuals annually through the dedication of scores of volunteers. The Caring Center provides immediate relief for hunger, clothing, school supplies, and a myriad other kinds of assistance. The Caring Center also connects Boone County residents with job assistance.

The Caring Center

Classic Reruns, a storefront for gently used and like-new items such as clothing, appliances, home goods, and more is run by the Caring Center. For more details visit

Transitional House

Located on Main Street in Lebanon, the Caring Center operates a transitional housing facility for adults experiencing severe poverty or homelessness. For more, visit

Who is The Caring Center for?

There are some requirements. You must:

  • Be a Boone County resident
  • Bring proof of current residence (Picture ID or current lease)
  • Be in crisis or poverty
  • Be willing to work with case manager

You should visit their website for the latest on hours of operation, and food bank operation times, which vary.

How can I learn more about The Caring Center?

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