Indiana Child Abuse Hotline

Indiana Child Abuse Hotline

Indiana Child Abuse Hotline

What is the Indiana Child Abuse Hotline?

Call 1-800-800-5556 to speak to an agent, 24/7, every day of the year.

The hotline is for reporting non-emergency suspicions of abuse.

If the situation is life-threatening, call 911. A life-threatening situation includes active physical harm, bleeding, assault, or the imminent threat of harm.

How does the Child Abuse Hotline work?

The Child Abuse Hotline is supported by the Indiana Department of Child Services. All calls to the hotline can be anonymous.

When you make a report, an agent will ask you follow-up questions to help determine the next most appropriate steps. That may include a call to local law enforcement or a follow-up by a DCS caseworker.

What are some circumstances I should call the hotline?

You can call the Hotline at any time, day or night, and anytime you suspect a child may be in danger. Indiana law requires everyone, regardless of age or occupation, to report a suspicion of child abuse.

Some common examples the Hotline can help with include:

  • Witnessing an adult strike a child in a public place, like a grocery store.
  • Hearing a child disclose someone is making them uncomfortable, following them, or exhibiting the signs of grooming such as gift-giving or petting.
  • Seeing a child in a hallway or public place with visible bruising, scarring, or injuries that seem suspicious or go beyond normal childhood experiences like falling off a bike or swing set.

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